MAVS 171: A Quick Update

The Kings of Controversy show up a little later than usual to check in and give a quick insight into what they've both been up to on opposite ends of the East coast. Interact with the show on Twitter @MAVSpodcast,, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes.

MAVS 170: Game Boyz

Matt bought an XBox One, Andrew's sister visited him, and Jim is a fantasy champion. That's pretty much it... Interact with the show on Twitter @MAVSpodcast,, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes.

MAVS 168: Days Don't Matter AKA Tight Christmas 3

MAVS Job Watch moves into it's third week, and it's starting to feel like days are meaningless constructs of human perception. Matt is still searching for a place of employment, and Andrew is trying to keep strangers out of his place. Interact with the show on Twitter @MAVSpodcast,, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes! Keep it tight, Merry Christmas, or whatever.

MAVS 167: Vicariously Unemployed

Another week means another opportunity to recap what the Kings of Controversy have been up to. There doesn't seem to be a happy medium here, one of the boys did nothing but work, and the other didn't work. The fun clearly does not stop. Interact with the show on Twitter @MAVSpodcast,, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes.

MAVS 165: Throwing It Back

This week the Boyz are back to dissect famous murder cases only the way they know how. They also bring back two old favorites from the MAVS Vault. Interact with the show on Twitter @MAVSpodcast,, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes.

MAVS 164: Snacksgiving

This week the guys tap into their classic bag of MAVS tricks and topics. They talk boring Thanksgivings, snacks, more snacks, and more snacks. The guys talk about doing drugs with strangers, and then they discuss a classic video from the early nineties. Interact with the show on Twitter @MAVSpodcast, on, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes!

MAVS 163: Nacho Greyhound

It's a new week and it's new adventures from the MAVS Boyz. First and foremost it's the narrative the nation is talking about, and then it's on to the Greyhound, where Matt had some interesting stories about life on the road. Interact with the show on Twitter @MAVSpodcast,, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes!

MAVS 162: R U World Serious?

The Kings of Controversy are back to talk about the Chicago Cubs, the current political landscape, dumb people, and the use of Native American sports logos. Interact with the show on Twitter @MAVSpodcast, on, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes.

MAVS 160: One New Message

The MAVS Boyz ride again! This week they gloss over their weekend together, then talk Andrew's new catering gig, IRL boobs, and a classically un-smooth move to pull on the opposite sex. Plus Matt discusses his new acting opportunity at work, and even gives some insight into his character. This week's outro music: "Southport" by J-Birdy and Scotty Boi featuring Matt Baker. Interact with the show on Twitter @MAVSpodcast, on, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes!

MAVS 159: Dad Hands, Pt. 2

The thrilling conclusion to the "Dad Hands" saga has arrived! The Kings of Controversy glance into the future this week. They dissect second dates, the Cubs, and the highly anticipated Chicago trip.

Interact with the show on Twitter @MAVSpodcast, on, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes!

MAVS 158: Dad Hands, Pt. 1

Welcome to the beginning of a sweeping epic from the Kings of Controversy. They talk fantasy, Yeezy, punching air, floating, Air B&B, and more in the first half of this exciting episode! Shout out Scotty Boy for joining them!

Interact with the show @MAVSpodcast on Twitter,, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes.

MAVS 156: Flight Club

The Kings of Controversy have some interesting topics to talk this week. One is homemade porn, another is using homophobic slurs, and then they spend a lot of time talking about traveling.

Interact with MAVS on Twitter @MAVSpodcast, on, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes.

MAVS 155: Merciless Victory

This week Andrew bests the loud-mouthed Matt of Span the Void in fantasy football. Meanwhile MAVS Matt was meeting extended family in Indiana. Together the Kings of Controversy put an urban legend to rest, discuss keeping people in their prayers, dissect the frustrations of stand up comedy stereotyping, and their sisters dating dudes. Matt grants a wish, and may or may not be a chicken head.

Interact with MAVS on Twitter @MAVSpodcast, on, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes.

MAVS 154: Cracking Up

Everything you depend on MAVS for is in this episode. The boyz talk fantasy, sperm donations, recreational drug use, and scenarios.

Interact with  MAVS on Twitter @MAVSpodcast, on, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes.

MAVS 152: Overall, A Good Episode

The Kings of Controversy return for another week of superior podcasting. This week they tackle urban legends, concert going, some more serious matters, and finally they move into Matt's latest foray into trend-setting. Tune in to find out what's up with the MAVS Boyz.

Interact with MAVS on Twitter @MAVSpodcast, on, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes.