Water bottles, elevators, milk, and bagels are all in the MAVS scope this week, and none of them make it out unscathed. Don't use Stitcher. Please review us on iTunes, please!
A Tight Site
Water bottles, elevators, milk, and bagels are all in the MAVS scope this week, and none of them make it out unscathed. Don't use Stitcher. Please review us on iTunes, please!
There's a wedding in the legal department, the love affair with Megabus might be over, and there's some concern over Manwiches. Use iTunes to send praise to the MAVS Boyz, use Stitcher radio to alienate yourself from your family.
Matt & Andrew are back and have very little going on. There's some trivia, some YouTube, and some work talk. Not. Much. Else.
The Kings of Controversy are back and already have their sights on the next milestone. Listen in as they talk recreation league softball, minor league baseball, and major league bathroom mishaps. Rate MAVS on iTunes if you haven't already. Ignore Stitcher radio if you haven't already.
It's finally here! Matt and Andrew are live from Wise Fool's Pub in Chicago, Illinois to celebrate their bicentennial episode. Thank you to everyone for their support over the years, the Kings of Controversy are truly appreciative of each one of their adoring fans who've listened in and interacted with the show. Don't use Stitcher. It should be illegal.
Grab a towel because it's gonna be a hot one as the march to 200 culminates with an episode filled with activities. Matt went places, did things, and the Chiraq Prophet returns with a rewind from a big moment in MAVS history! Use iTunes to do stuff, ignore Stitcher. Seriously, pretend that Stitcher doesn't exist.
This week the boys are hitting their mark, triple 20's. They talk darts, classy cheeses, accordion solos, and honking under any circumstance. This week's intro is a rewind from the MAVS movie specials. Enjoy, and don't use Stitcher!
Matt went to Philadelphia, Andrew tries to learn more about the Lingerie Football League, and after that they develop a laser-like focus on life in the men's room. Use iTunes to let us know how great we are. Don't use Stitcher you sick man/woman/or child.
This week the Boyz discuss what's been up with these past two weeks, Andrew's trip home, and Matt's shut-in weekend. If you're listening to this, and you aren't subscribed, or you haven't reviewed us on iTunes, you disgust us, but we love you. Stay off the Stitcher.
The Boyz are back and browsing. They scroll through YouTube for a while, look up some porn facts, and play "Made Up Movies!" This week's Rewind revisits the boiling point of the STV/MAVS feud, but it's all in good fun. Don't use Stitcher, don't watch porn, and subscribe to the show on iTunes.
This week the Boyz vent about some recent issues they had with other people's parenting skills. Later they rewind through more memories of Raino's tenure with MAVS early in their history as they keep moving toward episode 200. They finish up the show talking about everyone's favorite topic. Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes for the love of God.
This week the Boyz talk mission statements, Swamp Pops, and beef within the book club. Our oldest, dearest Pod-Sons are responsible for this week's MAVS Rewind. Their voices are literally littered throughout the show. Subscribe on iTunes, review our show, or get the heck out, pal.
The Boyz reflect on another week that has gone by. Andrew hung out with some newly weds, and Matt had a visit from his History Bros. Later they make a serious business call regarding milk and music. This week the Kings of Controversy rewind and reflect on the greatest intern in the history of MAVS: DJ Raindrops aka Raino. Subscribe, rate, and comment, or go to hell.
This week the Boyz tip their caps to some of their earlier intros (there is one in the beginning of the show, and another at the end). Matt made a pilgrimage back to Chicago, and Andrew is patiently waiting for the tub to turn into a sauna. Interact with the show on Twitter @MAVSpodcast, facebook.com/mavspodcast, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes.
The march to episode 200 continues, and the Boyz cover Matt's birthday, adult birthdays in general, and they take a look back at the episode that started it all (Higher Quality version of the "MAVS Pilot Rewind" is at the end of the episode). Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes.
Friend of the show Scott turns the boys onto some strange YouTube videos from one of their old favorites. They have a new listener. Andrew had an insane weekend and saw some questionable fashion choices on the street car. Matt still hasn't caught that mouse.
This week the guys vent about people who want to follow rules for the sake of following them, people who bring their service dogs on planes, and how to go into Militia Mode, and when a mercy killing is necessary. Interact with the show on Twitter @MAVSpodcast, on facebook.com/mavspodcast, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes. Ignore Stitcher radio, ignore it at all costs.
The Boyz are ready to talk milk, snacks, destroying their old apartments, and book clubs. Interact with the show on Twitter @MAVSpodcast, facebook.com/mavspodcast, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes.
The Boyz are back, indeeeeeeeed! Andrew is heated by an incident Matt had on the subway, they both dissect what it really means when people say, "I could never work a nine to five." Matt spent twenty four hours watching Ken Burns documentaries. Andrew takes his drinks to go these days. Interact with the show on Twitter @MAVSpodcast, facebook.com/mavspodcast, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes.
Andrew is getting taken for his security deposit on his last place, that's right, more moving talk! Matt made his way around Chinatown, and Little Italy while his sister visited. The Boyz discuss a lot of rap all over the spectrum and even some Disney songs. Interact with the show on Twitter @MAVSpodcast, facebook.com/mavspodcast, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes.