You are going to need headphones for this one. Andrew is back in Chicago podcasting remotely for an abbreviated episode. Matt went upstate, and to Connecticut. What a weekend. The audio quality is pretty touch-and-go, our bad, we owe ya one.
A Tight Site
You are going to need headphones for this one. Andrew is back in Chicago podcasting remotely for an abbreviated episode. Matt went upstate, and to Connecticut. What a weekend. The audio quality is pretty touch-and-go, our bad, we owe ya one.
This week the Boyz are sounding off on Andrew's strange joke/goal of becoming a janitor at Matt's company, the weird world of Reddit, and a rude customer who needed some water. Check MAVS out on Overcast.
Matt went to visit the guys in South Central PA and to no ones surprise Jimmy Adventure was ripping through cigs. Andrew found some wild stuff on Reddit, and he has a coworker who keeps flip-flopping. Listen to us on the Overcast App, and don't ever, ever, EVER use Stitcher.
Matt went on a date with a Milwaukee Native, which leads to some obvious jokes. Andrew stirs the pot at work with some inappropriate comments, and later they unveil "chambR" which just might be the most controversial app of this lifetime. Listen to us on Overcast, it's a great app! Don't listen to us on Stitcher, it's a terrible app!
Matt and Andrew are depleted from their long excursion to the American southwest. Make sure you download Overcast to listen to MAVS properly!
Co-workers that drink milk, DMV waiting rooms, coaching improv? It must be MAVS. Give Overcast a try for all your podcast listening needs. It's better.
The very foundation of "Brooklyn Era" MAVS might not be as solid as we all once hoped. Tune in on Overcast, or do whatever you want, unless you want to use Stitcher.
This week the Kings of Controversy are joined by their friend Mr. Brad! The guys take a sobering look at the troubling trend of incarcerating America's youth this week, as well as a few discussions about jobs both new and old. Download the app "Overcast" if you want to hear the infamous episode 233 by the way. Download Stitcher if you want to spend the rest of the day feeling kind of dirty and shameful.
The Kings of Controversy (MAVS) joined their Pod-Sons (STV) for a night of laughs recently. Listen in and be sure to go subscribe to Span The Void through whatever podcast app you use that isn't Stitcher.
The Boyz are fed up with the rat race, corporate is up their asses, the numbers are off, but luckily they've got some new business ideas that should create some pretty lucrative revenue streams. Don't stream this show on Stitcher. Tell your friends how great we are. We are trying to get episode 233 figured out. Bye.
The Boyz are back this week and ready to put in a stamp on this podcast game, but it's gonna cost you a couple bucks. Andrew has a final Man Witch tale, Matt has more trouble with Big Pharma. Let's not even talk about Stitcher Radio this week, how about that?
You're in for a treat this week. Matt has some shake-ups at work when a few top dogs get shown the door, Andrew is ready to get petty with his neighbor over a parking space, and neither of them go in on the St. Patrick's Day celebrations. Avoid Stitcher and use promo code 'tits' to save 15% on a brand new Casper mattress!
"Matt & Andrew vs Society" turns 4 today! The Kings of Controversy reflect on almost half a decade of episodes recorded, apartments vacated, and opposing podcasts crushed under the ruling fist of the Juggernaut that is the Sauce Lounge.
Matt & Andrew are back to reclaim the throne as the Kingz of Controversy in this reboot of the classic podcast "Matt & Andrew Vs Society." Matt went on a standard first date, but Andrew has a plan to shake things up. Andrew also has some really great business ideas, real Fortune 500 stuff. Tune in on any platform other than Stitcher.
Say goodnight Kevin, because the Kings of Controversy are hanging it up. The Boyz have some new business ideas that are going to pay the bills because podcasting just wasn't cutting it. They take one last stroll down memory lane as they discuss open mics, work parties, and conspiracy theorists. Thanks for all the support, bye, see you next week.
This week Matt saw a band that could have been a performance art piece, and at some point he learned his lines for a sketch show. Andrew partied out, and saw some sort of weird DJ in an AirBnB. A fun time was had, and no one got stabbed.
Matt finally invited his coworkers to an improv show, and the openers were his worst fears come true. Andrew has been hanging on as best he can as he comes closer to the finish line of Mardi Gras Season. The Boyz muse on good hosts putting them to shame, but never in the podcast game. Tune in, unless you use Stitcher.
Matt and Andrew enjoy an early morning recording session over some hot cups of java. Speaking of hot cups, Andrew hasn't seen any boobs during carnival season, but he did see some dramatics in the work parking lot. Matt has his performance review at work, but he has to wait on some alleged good news. Then, once again, they improve the Olympics.
Matt is having trouble with the new "it" drug and puts his specialty pharmacy on blast because they suck fucking dick. Andrew knows how to talk to people, and his coworkers don't know how to deal with that simple fact.
Matt has made a move, and he sealed the deal with a pricey meal. Andrew doesn't understand why people go on vacation just to visit franchises, and they both want people to just be honest about their occupations.