Matt and Andrew take on the first week of the NFL season with something most people don’t want to hear; fantasy football talk. Once again the Kings of Controversy tackling a topic other people try to stay away from.
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Matt and Andrew take on the first week of the NFL season with something most people don’t want to hear; fantasy football talk. Once again the Kings of Controversy tackling a topic other people try to stay away from.
Happy Labor Day Draft Day to everyone! This week Matt drafts his team, dog sits, and has an idea for an app. Andrew has beef with FedEx, a sleep exam coming up, and gives Matt his blessing to draft Tre’Quan Smith. Later they talk about their favorite video games.
The Kings of Controversy are here to deliver something they aren’t proud of, but aren’t ashamed enough to not put it out for the listeners.
Matt made made a purchase that is going to put his gym out of business and put him on the fast track to a six pack. Andrew took steps to stop his snoring, even though his body was built to excel in that department.
Matt has a new bathroom technique that he is loving, Andrew bought himself a new ride. Together they can make an episode that comes full circle, and ends cleanly.
Matt took a trip to South Central PA, and Andrew has a doctors appointment looming. Also, if you don’t like sad dog talk you should skip minutes 8:30 to 13:30 of the ‘sode.
Matt went to Hawaii, Andrew went to Pensacola. Matt wants a dog, Andrew hates his job. Some of the topics are new, some of this should sound familiar.
Matt is in Hawaii this week, and that means there will be sand. The Boyz discuss the pros and cons of going to the beach, and try to decide if pools are better.
This week’s MAVS is a big mood. Andrew went on an Evacu-cation, and Matt bought some new stuff for his Switch.
The Boyz are back and they are very anxious. Subscribe, rate, and commment in iTunes. Listen to MAVS on Overcast. Don’t ever use Stitcher. Ever.
IN-DEEEEED! The Boyz make history as the first podcast ever to reach 300 episodes. To celebrate they are giving the listeners life advice.
Matt and Andrew are back and they don’t have a tight hour in them, but they still record for an hour. Don’t forget to DM MAVS @MAVSpodcast with any advice you need for next week’s episode 300!
This week Matt and Andrew talk about their own personality traits. If you want to know your personality trait check out and let us know what you got on Twitter @MAVSpodcast. Also, don’t forget to DM us with your problems so we can help you on our 300th episode.
Matt has been watching sad television shows, and Andrew might not want St. Louis to win the Stanley Cup after all. If you need advice, or want a problem solved dm MAVS on Twitter @MAVSpodcast.
Matt and Andrew like root beer.
Matt is betting big money on baseball, Andrew is trying to avoid conversations about beards.
Matt and Andrew are changed men! Matt is older, and Andrew just got back from Chicago.
Matt and Andrew are picking up right where they left off last week with some insanely sloppy editing. Matt turns 30, and he takes years off of Andrew’s life by discussing insane new baseball stats.
This week Matt and Andrew wonder about what people are saying between the lines when they loan you their golf clubs. Matt went to Philly, and Andrew saw boobs at a pool.
The Bathroom Gods smiled on Matt this past week, Andrew found a crazy coffee commercial, and later they discuss the difference between traveling and speeding.