MAVS 357: Vs. the Good Land

The Brooklyn Era (January 23rd, 2018 - August 4th, 2020) is over. Matt records his first podcast from his new apartment in the Good Land. The Boiz discuss conservative reply-guys on Twitter, mask etiquette in Milwaukee, movers and their empty promises, and what Andrew did all day (nothing).

Vs. the Good Land
Matt & Andrew

MAVS 355: Vs. Moon Dollars

Matt & Andrew are back to discuss baseball, the NBA, local coffee shops, Portland, schools opening, and Drake’s new music. Trigger warning: There is little, possibly no, Nintendo Switch talk this week.

Vs. Moon Dollars
Matt & Andrew

MAVS 344: Vs. Rankings

The Boyz are back and Matt hit a work-from-home milestone this week, and they reminisce about radio hosts. Andrew thinks conspiracy theories are gaining steam, and they both played a lot of Switch…

Vs. Rankings
Matt & Andrew