Matt has internet trouble, Andrew rambles (shocker). Matt pops the question to Andrew, and later they discuss rebranding.
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Matt has internet trouble, Andrew rambles (shocker). Matt pops the question to Andrew, and later they discuss rebranding.
Matt is all moved in to his new house, Andrew no longer has his stitches. What could go wrong? Watch the show on
Matt has big news, vacation news, and bad news. Andrew cut his knee and has to wear a mask again. All-in-all a good week. Watch the show on twitch.t/mavspodstream
Matt and Andrew get together on short rest to fix the world’s problems. Spoiler alert: they solve America’s crisis. Watch the show on
The Boyz are back and they’re once again talking movies like the good old days (or bad if you were one of the many people that didn’t like that). Matt had some guys working on his basement, no big deal, and they seemed pretty stereotypical. Watch the show on
Matt & Andrew are improving home improvement this week. They discuss fireworks, grilling, chilling, painting, chilling, and finishing basements. You can always chill with the Boyz on of course.
Matt & Andrew met up to make memories, and now they’re back to see how well they can remember their Milwaukee memories. Watch the show on
Matt & Andrew go deep on the quality of chain restaurants, and later plan for their retirement from the podcast game. Join the Boiz on
Matt & Andrew get back up to their old tricks when they spend an extended period of time talking about the movies. Just like the good ol’ days back in Chicago. Join MAVS live every week on
With Andrew’s upcoming visit to Milwaukee, the Boyz discuss how they prefer to sleep. They get really fixated on it actually and discuss it for a while. What a way to ring in the 400’s!
Matt & Andrew reach an insane milestone that no one ever thought was possible. Matt has strong feelings about air conditioning, and Andrew found a bunch of old show notes. Watch the show on
If anyone knows a contractor, count your lucky stars. Andrew has some animal stories, and Matt shares some life news. Watch the show on
Matt is hot of celebrating his birthday, and Andrew had a visitor last week. Watch the show on
Matt and Andrew complain about people who suddenly become experts when subjects come up, and then talk about the housing market even though they know nothing about it. Happy Mom’s D to the moms. Join us on
Matt made a big purchase, Andrew ate in a restaurant, they chat with people on Twitch. You could be one of those people if you head over to Sunday nights at 8 PM central.
Look out sportscasters, you’re cancelled. Watch the show on and give us a follow there.
Matt & Andrew cannot help themselves this week, a lot of chat chat ahead. They wonder why they can’t stream music, and basically bring the record industry to it’s knees.
Matt was upstate, but he’s back now. Andrew hasn’t left New Orleans, except when he went to Mississippi to get a vaccine. This is a description of the show that you could watch on
Matt & Andrew change the game again this week over on They try something a little different with the format, and it honestly is the best thing to happen to podcasting since the last week’s episode of MAVS.
Matt has some life news, Andrew doesn’t, but they want you to watch the show on