MAVS 191: A Tip of the Cap

This week the Boyz tip their caps to some of their earlier intros (there is one in the beginning of the show, and another at the end). Matt made a pilgrimage back to Chicago, and Andrew is patiently waiting for the tub to turn into a sauna. Interact with the show on Twitter @MAVSpodcast,, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes.

MAVS 190: Be Kind, Rewind

The march to episode 200 continues, and the Boyz cover Matt's birthday, adult birthdays in general, and they take a look back at the episode that started it all (Higher Quality version of the "MAVS Pilot Rewind" is at the end of the episode). Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes.

MAVS 189: Horsin' Around

Friend of the show Scott turns the boys onto some strange YouTube videos from one of their old favorites. They have a new listener. Andrew had an insane weekend and saw some questionable fashion choices on the street car. Matt still hasn't caught that mouse.

MAVS 188: Rulez

This week the guys vent about people who want to follow rules for the sake of following them, people who bring their service dogs on planes, and how to go into Militia Mode, and when a mercy killing is necessary. Interact with the show on Twitter @MAVSpodcast, on, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes. Ignore Stitcher radio, ignore it at all costs.

MAVS 186: H.F.F.A.

The Boyz are back, indeeeeeeeed! Andrew is heated by an incident Matt had on the subway, they both dissect what it really means when people say, "I could never work a nine to five." Matt spent twenty four hours watching Ken Burns documentaries. Andrew takes his drinks to go these days. Interact with the show on Twitter @MAVSpodcast,, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes.

MAVS 185: Tracksuit Deposits

Andrew is getting taken for his security deposit on his last place, that's right, more moving talk! Matt made his way around Chinatown, and Little Italy while his sister visited. The Boyz discuss a lot of rap all over the spectrum and even some Disney songs. Interact with the show on Twitter @MAVSpodcast,, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes.

MAVS 184: The Big Soak

Mid 2000s reality t.v. ain't nuthin' ta fuck with, but it is discussed at length on this week's MAVS. The Boyz reflect on staying up late, watching trash television, and weird men hitting on the chicks, bro. Interact with the show on Twitter @MAVSpodcast,, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes. Please. Seriously, please. Thanks in advance.

MAVS 183: Shower Boyz

The Kings of Controversy hit the showers this week and discuss everything from family members listening, family visits, and how to unwind after a long day. Interact with the show on Twitter @MAVSpodcast,, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes. Tell your friends, and don't use Stitcher.

MAVS 182: Pink Socks and Girl Shoes

Andrew finally makes his way to New Orleans, and Matt has to pick up a package from a VHS store. Matt decides he's into chess now, and Andrew is contemplating what he's going to "get into." Interact with the show on Twitter @MAVSpodcast,, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes.

MAVS 181: Bumble Stumble

It's Andrew's last podcast from Florida, and it's Matt's first New York date. The forth year of MAVS is off to a roaring start! Interact with the show on Twitter @MAVSpodcast,, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes.

MAVS 180: The Dynasty Continues (Year Three)

Three years in and they still can ramble with the best of 'em. Andrew wants to know why everyone wants answers from him at work, Matt wants more singing and dancing. Andrew moved everything out of his place, and Matt joined a book club. Interact with the show on Twitter @MAVSpodcast,, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes.

MAVS 179: Binge Worthy Stories

Matt and Andrew look back on their beer quests from the college era, look forward to Andrew's move, and wonder how they would be as Little League coaches. Interact with the show on Twitter @MAVSpodcast,, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes.

MAVS 177: Absolutely Nothing but Moves

This week Matt and Andrew are making moves. They're making them in Brooklyn, they're making them to New Orleans, and they are definitely making them in the kitchen. Don't miss a minute of the moves on this week's MAVS. Interact with the show on Twitter @MAVSpodcast,, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes!

MAVS 175: Adventure Boyz

The Kings of Controversy each embark on interesting adventures. Matt settles into his new life in New York,  and Andrew searches for a new place to call home. Happy Birthday to Jimmy Adventure of STV. Interact with the show on Twitter @MAVSpodcast,, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes!

MAVS 174: Goodbye to the 'Go

Matt has a few hours left in Chicago before he jet sets to the Big Apple, and Andrew has a text snafu that played out a little too conveniently... They also talk a good deal about movies for the first time in a long time. Interact with the show on Twitter @MAVSpodcast,, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes.

MAVS 173: Price Guys

Matt is all packed up and living couch to couch, Andrew seems like he has a death wish, and both of them have very little happening. With that in mind, they discuss some interesting intercontinental lists. Interact with the show on Twitter @MAVSpodcast,, and Subscribe/Rate/Comment on iTunes.